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Sign SF 10 mm 150×305 – UV 320 cm

A 10 mm Sign SF sheet is designed specifically for the advertising industry and is known for being quite light (in weight) but at the same time very sturdy to the touch.
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    Sign SF 10 mm 150×305 – UV 320 cm
    A 10 mm Sign SF sheet is specially developed for the advertising sector and is known for being quite light (in terms of weight) but at the same time very sturdy to the touch. Thanks to a special foamed interlayer, the plate is stiffer than and lighter than Forex, making it a good alternative.

    Versatile application
    The 10 mm Sign SF sheet is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications and easy to mount. Because the plate is stiffer than Forex but at the same time lighter in weight, it can be used for load-bearing surfaces. Think, for example, of a tray for a showroom on which products are displayed.

    Available in all possible shapes
    Sign SF is available in all conceivable shapes and sizes. As standard, the panel is cut square, but the material is also suitable for making, for example, milled letters or other contour shapes. Van Straaten’s experts are ready to answer all your questions and advise for the right panel material.

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    GEt in touch to know more about Sign SF 10 mm 150×305 – UV 320 cm

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