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Eco Mesh 320

Printable fabric with a hole structure. This makes it suitable for outdoor use thanks to high wind and light transmission.
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    Eco Mesh 320 – DS 320 cm – 230 grs
    The Eco Mesh 320 is a fabric characterized by a hole structure that gives it high wind permeability. Combined with the water-repellent top layer, this makes the product ideal for outdoor use.

    Air and light transmission
    Thanks to the holes in the fabric, wind flows easily through the fabric. This makes the material ideal for use as a banner, scaffold banner, hoarding banner or speaker banner, for example. Do not think too small!

    Large sizes available
    We can deliver Eco Mesh Fabric in extremely large and custom sizes. Are you going for a print larger than 320 centimeters? Then go for the Eco Mesh 500 and be surprised by the endless possibilities and finishes.

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